Why publish News Releases?
If you have a story to tell about a product or service you can always advertise it. What you can also do however is to write a news release about it and submit it to various media such as online news portals and newspapers. Whether it is published or not depends on how the news service values your story. If you can make it interesting and informative enough you have a good chance of getting it published.
A news story is far more valuable a means of promoting a product than advertising. Readers are more interested in reading a story about a product or service than viewing advertisements.
Additionally if you get a story published you can take the link to that story on whatever publication it might appear and post it on your own Web site to promote how your company, or your client's company has made the news.
Having a story published also establishes a permanent one-way link on a credible site that will assist the Page Rank of your company's or your client's site.
Submitting News Releases:
When submitting a news release to a news site, be sure to ensure your story is newsworthy, that it reads as a news story, and not as an advertisement.
Keep the adjectives down and be objective in talking about your company's or client's product or service. Ask yourself whether the writing style of the release and the information it conveys would grab your attention and interest. Don't use long sentences, or words or jargon that a reader may have difficulty in understanding. The more newsworthy your story, the more likely it will be accepted for publication, and the more likely it will be read and understood.